OP Report: Fresh Faces and First Catches - June 18, 2024

June 18, 2024

As the 2024 fishing season gets underway, the Outpost has a few new faces. We are excited to welcome new staff members to our existing lineup. Inside, we’ve welcomed a new culinary duo, Chef Derek Bothwell and Sous Chef Chiara Gladden. Additionally, we’re thrilled to have Sara Meli on board—a familiar face for those of you who have previously joined us at The Clubhouse. On the dock, we have Stefan Chapman, and joining our guide team full-time is Brook Speed.

Chef Derek and Sous Chef Chiara have been crafting beautiful West Coast-inspired dishes, including fresh Dungeness crab cakes, troll-caught spring salmon salad, and sablefish. Guests have been raving about the delicious meals that complement their fishing adventures.

With only two weeks into the season at the Outpost, fishing already looks promising. Despite some cool  wet weather, our guides have been successful in finding fish, particularly offshore. Fish in the 15-20 lb range are around, with a few larger ones pushing through. The team has already released three tyees, all at the 33 lb mark (Aaron P., 33 lbs; Eric M., 33 lbs; and Berk S.,33.5 lbs).

For those who have braved the cool weather and rain we've been seeing hereat the Outpost, the reward has been well worth it, with plenty of fish in the boat. Offshore fishing has been very productive within the 160-200 ft range. The guides report that when they find the fish, it's fast and furious, with numerous double headers happening. We've started to see a few smaller fish showing up in the back bay, providing continued action for those who aren’t interested in the west side rodeo offshore.

For those who have never experienced the Outpost and what it offers, it should definitely be on your list of things to do. We are the only lodge down the west side of Graham Island for miles, with no other boats around to distract you from your fishing adventure.

I’m looking forward to another fantastic season.

Take care,

Shawn Crawford
General Manager, The Outpost

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